The Lions (Prides) status as on 3 September 2018 will be updated from time to time.
Only the prides with home ranges outside of the Palmwag Concession Area exposed to Human Lion Conflict Areas are named and some like the Achab pride frequent areas in and outside of Palmwag Concession Area)
Two females and three males. All sub adults almost are 3 years old. (The three adults, one male,” Nkosi” and two females, “Missy and Cheeky” have been translocated by the MET in July 2018. The male and two cubs of Missy died en route/shortly after).
The Huab Pride- Angela aka XPL 75 about 11 years old, her two cubs about a year old, XPL 76, her sister, "Minky" a young adult female. XPL 76 might have had cubs by now. The Agabriver pride-Pride size not known, consists of splinter groups sometimes coming together- over 16 have been counted.
Lioness XPL 103, aka "Little Tina", her sibling "Tammy" and brother "Eros" all close to 5 years old and two new-born cubs 3 months old
Adult Lioness XPL 69 and three sub adult Lionesses ("Alpha", "Bravo" and "Charly") about 3 years old.
Pride size unknown since poisoning incident at Tomakas April 2017.
Members of the Obab Pride